
chilling injury Learn more about chilling injury

  • Effect of low temperature chilling injury on Rice and its Preventive measures

    Effect of low temperature chilling injury on Rice and its Preventive measures

    Rice chilling injury means that rice suffers from the influence of low temperature below the lowest critical temperature, which leads to the abnormal growth and development of rice and the reduction of rice yield. According to the different period of injury, it can be divided into delayed chilling injury, obstacle chilling injury and mixed chilling injury. 1. Types and characteristics of rice chilling injury 1. Delayed chilling injury rice in vegetative growth period, sometimes including reproductive growth period, suffers from lower temperature for a long time, weakens the physiological activity of rice plant, delays heading and flowering, and cannot be fully filled.

  • Symptoms and Prevention of low temperature chilling injury in Potato

    Symptoms and Prevention of low temperature chilling injury in Potato

    During plant growth or during stem storage, if the air temperature or soil temperature is too low (above freezing point), the plant will produce chilling injury. The degree of chilling injury varies with the temperature. 1. The symptom of the leaf is in the seedling stage, and the leaf wilts and collapses rapidly after the plant is damaged by freezing. When the qi warms up, the affected area becomes flooded and browns after death. But if the plant is only damaged by scourge. the above symptoms will not occur. Chilling injury occurs in the seedling stage in early spring. The symptoms appeared at the top of the seedlings and appeared yellowish to light brown at the base of the young leaves. When

  • Control techniques of chilling injury and Frost injury of Cucumber

    Control techniques of chilling injury and Frost injury of Cucumber

    Control techniques of chilling injury and Frost injury of Cucumber

  • How to remedy the yellowing of Phyllostachys pubescens leaves

    How to remedy the yellowing of Phyllostachys pubescens leaves

    The original turquoise young leaves become lighter and appear yellow or light green, while the old leaves are relatively normal or gradually change from green to yellow; reason analysis: in fact, this situation is rare, and the yellowing of fat-deficient leaves is chronic. Flower friends can observe the situation of the leaves, if the leaves turn yellow quickly.

  • The latest course of techniques and methods for prevention and control of chilling injury and freezing injury of cucumber

    The latest course of techniques and methods for prevention and control of chilling injury and freezing injury of cucumber

    Cucumber in greenhouse is prone to cold injury and freezing injury because of the cold temperature in autumn, winter and early spring. The leaves turn yellow and the growth is damaged in early spring, and the plants wither and die in serious cases. So how to prevent and cure chilling injury and freezing injury? Let's get to know it with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest cucumber chilling injury and freezing injury prevention and control technology method
  • Prevention and remedial measures of low temperature chilling injury of cowpea

    Prevention and remedial measures of low temperature chilling injury of cowpea

    Prevention and remedial measures of low temperature chilling injury of cowpea

  • Chilling injury of peach fruit during storage

    Chilling injury of peach fruit during storage

    Peach belongs to respiratory jump type fruit, which has respiratory peak and poor storage tolerance. It can only be stored for a few days at room temperature, and most varieties can only be stored for 15 days under 0 ℃. The enzyme activity and respiration of postharvest peach fruit are very strong, so the fruit is easy to become soft, rotten at room temperature, low temperature, low oxygen, high carbon dioxide can inhibit beard effect and enzyme activity. Under the condition of 0 ℃, the film bag is used for controlled atmosphere storage, 1% oxygen and 3% carbon dioxide are controlled, and ethylene absorber is applied, which can be stored for 2 months, but attention should be paid.

  • How to do the yellow leaves of Fu Lu Tong, suitable for light/reasonable water and fertilizer/pest spray

    How to do the yellow leaves of Fu Lu Tong, suitable for light/reasonable water and fertilizer/pest spray

    As a popular foliage plant recently, Fu Lutong has many effects, but what is most appreciated is its ornamental value, especially the evergreen leaves, which make people feel good. So when this beautiful leaf turns yellow, flower friends must be very anxious! So, what about the yellow leaves?

  • Prevention and remedial measures of the latest low temperature chilling injury of cowpea

    Prevention and remedial measures of the latest low temperature chilling injury of cowpea

    After entering March, the temperature gradually rises, but the cold air will also appear from time to time, bringing severe cooling. In this case, if the vegetable production management is not strict, it is very likely to suffer from low temperature cold injury, or even directly freeze to death, which has a great impact on the yield. The following editor

    2020-11-10 Latest cowpea low temperature chilling injury prevention and remediation measures
  • Money banyan leaves yellowing how to do, pay attention to 5 points are not afraid of yellowing / improper water and fertilizer is the key

    Money banyan leaves yellowing how to do, pay attention to 5 points are not afraid of yellowing / improper water and fertilizer is the key

    As a kind of rich and unusual-looking plant, money banyan friends should be no stranger, it is evergreen all the year round, broad and glossy leaves, has an excellent ornamental. However, in the process of breeding, because there are many novices, they often cause the appearance of leaf yellow due to improper maintenance, thus affecting the ornamental quality of the plant.

  • Prevention and Control of chilling injury in Rice at long panicle stage

    Prevention and Control of chilling injury in Rice at long panicle stage

    The prevention and control technology of chilling injury. One is to accelerate the pollination of rice. For this kind of obstructive chilling injury, the scientific management of rice fields should be strengthened to speed up the pollination period and avoid it.

  • What about the yellowing of taro leaves? pay attention to 5: 00 yellowing without worry / improper water and fertilizer is the key.

    What about the yellowing of taro leaves? pay attention to 5: 00 yellowing without worry / improper water and fertilizer is the key.

    For the fruit taro, flower friends should be no stranger, its leaves are green, the white line above is clear in color, like a dancing butterfly, looks very lovely. But in the process of breeding, because of improper operation, many flower friends will cause the yellowing of taro leaves, which will seriously affect the ornamental.

  • Storage Technology of Peach, Plum and Apricot

    Storage Technology of Peach, Plum and Apricot

    The fruits of peach, plum and apricot (including cherry) all contain hard core, which belong to stone fruit. The fruit development and postharvest physiology have common characteristics. It is because of the hard core contained in the fruit that the growth curve of double S type appears during growth. Peach, plum and apricot fruits have high respiratory intensity and respiratory peak, so they belong to respiratory climacteric fruits, which determines that they have similar storage and preservation techniques. However, with the different species and varieties, the storage and preservation techniques adopted are different. Peach and plum are generally divided into early,

  • Fresh-keeping Technology of Peach, Plum and Apricot during Storage

    Fresh-keeping Technology of Peach, Plum and Apricot during Storage

    The fruits of peach, plum and apricot (including cherry) all contain hard seeds, which belong to drupe fruits, and have common characteristics in fruit development and postharvest physiology. It is because of the hard core in the fruit that there is a double S-shaped growth curve during growth. Peach, plum and apricot fruits have high respiratory intensity; they all have respiratory peaks, so they all belong to respiratory jump fruits, which determines that they have basically similar storage and transportation fresh-keeping measures. However, with different tree species and varieties, the storage and transportation techniques used are different. Peaches and plums are general.

  • How to raise reticulate grass in winter, four tips to avoid leaf wilting / temperature is very important.

    How to raise reticulate grass in winter, four tips to avoid leaf wilting / temperature is very important.

    Because of the general cold tolerance of reticulate grass, how to survive the winter has become a headache for many flower friends. If the method is wrong, it is easy to cause the leaves to wither and fall, then the efficacy and function of reticulated grass will be greatly reduced, and how to raise it in winter? Next, the editor will tell you some of the most practical skills.

  • Fertilization measures for preventing chilling injury of Rice

    Fertilization measures for preventing chilling injury of Rice

    Fertilization cases: in 2006, in Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province and other rice growing areas, some rice seedlings encountered low temperatures below 17 ℃ in the early stage of rice growth, resulting in varying degrees of rice chilling injury. In Ningxia and Zhangjiakou rice cropping areas in northwest China, in the late autumn rice growth period, when the temperature dropped to less than 20 ℃ during the filling season, the rice encountered chilling injury, which was very disadvantageous to grain filling. The seed setting rate decreased by 10-20%, and the heavy ones decreased by more than 50%. Expert comments: in the northern rice-growing areas, in order to prevent the cold damage caused by low temperature weather to rice production

  • Grapefruit (West Machine) harvesting method and how to store it?

    Grapefruit (West Machine) harvesting method and how to store it?

    Grapefruit (West Machine) harvesting method and how to store it? Please give a detailed introduction to grapefruit harvest can refer to the following methods: grapefruit harvest can be based on fruit maturity to determine the appropriate harvest time. Grapefruit harvest time is large due to the difference of climatic conditions in different cultivation areas, especially the difference of air temperature.

  • Reasons for Lotus Root Planting Failure

    Reasons for Lotus Root Planting Failure

    Reasons for Lotus Root Planting Failure

  • Storage Technology of Peach

    Storage Technology of Peach

    Some peach varieties mature in the summer high temperature season, and their exploitable maturity and edible maturity reach almost at the same time; in addition, the fruit is soft and juicy, and the storage resistance is poor. However, there are great differences in storage tolerance among varieties, honey peach has the worst storage tolerance, which can only be stored for about one week, while fat peach, winter peach, Qingzhou peach and other late-maturing varieties are more resistant to storage. The problems that easy to occur during storage of peach are: overripening and softening, rot caused by bacteria, and chilling injury.

  • The latest reasons for the planting of lotus root

    The latest reasons for the planting of lotus root

    The growth of lotus root refers to the germination of lotus root, the elongation of lotus root and the extension of lotus leaves. In the same period, there is a difference in the speed of growth of lotus root after planting, while some varieties grow more slowly or even longer after planting. So what is the reason for this phenomenon? Come together.

    2020-11-10 The latest lotus root planting not hair tree reason refers to